JEWISH WORLD • DECEMBER 20-26, 2024 27 sweeping Europe. Vandalism of Jewish cemeteries and Holocaust memorials is fairly commonplace. A 2014 global survey of antisem- itism by the Anti-Defamation League found that 69% of Greeks harbor antisemitic views — the highest percentage of any coun- try in the world outside the Middle (ast :hile those findings are sometimes disputed, Greece contin- ues to struggle with antisemitism. However, physical violence against Greek Jews is extremely rare, and the current Greek government, as well as the one that preceded it, are considered among the most pro-Is- rael in Europe. Greece observes In- Michele, former Nevada congress- woman Shelley Berkley and Bel- gian-born American fashion de- signer Diane von Fürstenberg. Polovets said Bourla’s donation aligns with the Genesis Prize Foun- dation’s values and mission of in- spiring Jewish pride. “With the rise of global antisem- itism, education will be at the cen- ter of the museum’s activities, host- ing permanent and temporary exhibitions and archives that will highlight the value of preserving the remembrance of the Holocaust, ac- ceptance and respect for diversity, human rights, and freedom,” he said. Polovets said he hopes the muse- uP will insSire Yisitors to fight ha- tred and prevent it from spreading today. Museum continued from page 10 ternational Holocaust Remembrance Day, and in 2014 the parliament out- lawed Holocaust denial. A big push for the Holocaust mu- seum came from Thessaloniki’s for- mer mayor, 82-year-old Yiannis Boutaris, who died on Nov. 4, less than a week after the Holocaust mu- seum’s groundbreaking ceremony. Boutaris announced that his city would build the museum at a 2017 event attended by Israeli Prime Min- ister Benjamin Netanyahu and other dignitaries. “It will symbolize our shame,” Boutaris said at the time, “for what happened, for what we did, and mostly for what we could not or did not wish to do… during and after the war.” In addition to Bourla, other fa- mous Jews with roots in Thessaloni- ki include actor Hank Azaria, Israeli businessman and philanthropist Leon Recanati, his sister the philan- thropist Jude Recanati, actress Lea By the end of World War II, some 65,000 Greek Jews — 87% of the total and 96% of those from Thessaloniki — had been killed. “Hatred in any form leads to denial, disrespect, and destruc- tion,” he said. “Democracy and respect for others are values that can never be taken for granted, and each of us has a responsibility to stand up to all forms of hatred.” Larry Luxner is a freelance journalist, photographer, and Middle East correspondent. A participant in a march held last year to mark the anni]ersary of the first deportation of .reek 1e^s from ;hessaloniki to Ausch^ita. Joseph’s life from death by star- vation and scorpions in the pit by oIIering the Erothers financial gain by selling their sibling into Egypt (Gen. 37:26, 27). At this point he marries a Canaanite woman with whom he has three sons: the eldest, Er, he marries off to Tamar. Er dies young and Tam- ar is given in levirate marriage to Onan, Er’s brother. Levirate marriage enables the brother to grant his hapless sibling a child and heir (even though he is dead) by impregnating—and taking re- sponsibility for—his widow. Since the child born to Tamar would be considered Er’s and not Onan’s, Onan refused to give his seed to Tamar. Onan also dies young as a Divine punishment for neglecting his responsibility to his elder sibling. Shelah is left, and Judah is frightened to give Tamar as a wife to another of his sons lest that son also die. Tamar poses as a harlot, seduc- es Judah, and becomes pregnant with his seed. So, Peretz and ulti- mately Boaz and King David will be born. Joseph attempts to escape his Abrahamic destiny by looking towards Egypt and its naturalism for his future. Judah likewise seems uninterested in guarantee- ing$ErahaPic IulfillPent TaPar is desperate to carry Judah’s seed and continue the road to redemp- tion. Judah also publicly admits his transgression with Tamar, praising her for being more inter- ested in the Jewish future—by taking responsibility for past gen- erations—than he was. Repen- tance, responsibility to the past, and commitment to the future are the skills that Messianism is made of. Hence, the story of Ju- dah at this Muncture is a Srefigura- tion of why it is eventually Judah and not Joseph who hands over the familial baton. Shlomo Riskin is the founding rabbi of Efrat and founder and rosh yeshivah of Ohr Torah Stone. continued from page 7 Dvar T HE S AG H ARBOR I NN 631-725-2949 WEST WATER STREET | SAG HARBOR, NEW YORK SAGHARBORINN.COM RIGHT IN THE HEART OF THE HAMPTONS