JEWISH WORLD • DECEMBER 20-26, 2024 7 By SHLOMO RISKIN "She is more righteous than I." (Gen. 38:26) T he drama of Jacob's peregri- nations ended with the patri- arch’s return to his father’s house and homeland in last week’s reading of Vayishlach. Now, with the reading of Vayeshev, the riveting story of Joseph begins. Just as Ja- cob’s exilic wanderings start with his dream of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, so do Joseph’s wanderings begin with his dreams of the brothers’ sheaves of grain bowing down to his sheaf and then of the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing down to Joseph. The Joseph story continues at a fast pace, with the brothers’ jealousy resulting in the sale of Joseph into Egyptian servitude and leading to the brothers’ deception of their The Messianic Baton Parshat Veyeshev Genesis 37:1-40:23 DVAR © 2024 Ronald M. Dragoon Discount Offer Available from December 23rd until January 3rd. **Flavored pancakes available from December 25th until January 2nd. Buy 3 Dozen Latkes, Get 1 Dozen FREE!! PLUS, Enjoy 25% Off Each Additional Dozen! **Choose From: Spinach, Sweet Potato, Zucchini or Plain Potato Mix & Match Flavors! Treat Family & Friends! Applesauce Included! HANUKKAH FAMILY DINNER FOR 6 - $184.99 2 qts. Chicken Noodle Soup 7 Matzo Balls 1 qt. Side Salad (Choose 1) Cole Slaw • Health • Cucumber 1 lb. Rye Bread Main Dish (Choose 1) 3 Whole Chickens with Stuffing 2½ lbs. Brisket (add $15) **2 doz. Mini Latkes w/Applesauce Small Relish Tray Send an eGift! Order Online at BEN’S: WHERE HANUKKAH TRADITIONS MEET TASTY TREATS! father Jacob, making him think that a savage beast had devoured his fa- vorite son and heir apparent (Gen. 37:1-36). The Bible’s account skips a chapter; before telling us of Jo- seph’s adventures in Egypt, we must wait until Chapter 39, after which we remain with Joseph until his death at the end of the Book of Genesis. Chapter 38—a clear inter- ruption of the Joseph storyline— provides a fascinating interlude dealing with brother Judah, his three sons, and daughter-in-law Tamar, who enters an act of decep- tive harlotry with her father-in-law because she felt herself thwarted from her anticipated levirate mar- riage with Judah’s third son, Shelah. But why does this story—replete with sex, intrigue, and moral out- rage against the wrong Sarty³find its place during the Joseph story? /et the %iEle finish with -oseSh and then bring in this tale of Judah, per- haps even as necessary background for the Messianic legacy he will re- ceive from Jacob on his deathbed (Gen. 49:8-10). This leads to a second point. Mes- sianism is an important factor here since Judah is the tribe-producer of the Messiah, the scion of the David- ic dynasty who will bring the ulti- mate peace and the ingathering of all the nations. Peretz, the Jacob-like character who pushes ahead and breaks out of his elder twin Zerah’s initial lead to ePerge first, is the seYenth genera- tion grandfather of Boaz and, in turn, great-grandfather of King Da- vid (Ruth 4:18-22). But why choose a forbidden sexual act of immorali- ty, a father-in-law (Judah) with his daughter-in-law (Tamar), and an act of harlotry at that, which adds even further transgression, as the union that will ultimately produce the Messiah? Ought the Messiah not emerge from a much purer act of sexual love within the context of marriage in accordance with Moses and Israel? The entire Book of Gen- esis after the choosing of Abraham is concerned first and IorePost with who will receive the legacy of the firstEorn, which son will Ee the torchbearer to pass down the baton of Messianism: the responsibility of bringing world peace and redemp- tion by teaching compassionate righteousness and moral justice, to the next generation. Our portion, Vayeshev, begins with Joseph, seemingly the choice of his father, Jacob, who gives him the striped tu- nic of many colors. B ut Joseph doesn’t dream of uniting heaven and earth, God and world; he dreams of mastery over his brothers, domination on land and in the sky, and God and Is- rael do not appear even once in his two dreams! Moreover, gathering sheaves of grain agriculture was not the pursuit of the family of Abraham in the Promised Land of Canaan; it was the activity discovered in Egypt, a far more sophisticated and corrupt culture than existed in the Land of Israel. Joseph hankered after the fleshSots oI (gySt, not the righ- teousness of “Palestine.” Joseph— at least at this point in his life—did not seem worthy of the legacy of the firstEorn And so, the Bible offers another option for the bearer of the familial blessing. You will remember that it was Judah who cleverly saved Joseph doesn’t have messianic dreams of uniting heaven and Earth , God and world; he dreams of domination over his brothers. continued on page 27